May 09, 2017

First things first, there will not be a big book from me this year.  There probably won’t even be a little book from me in 2017, but my muse sometimes hits very suddenly so I don’t rule something smaller completely out.  The next major book from me will be in June of 2018.  Why am I taking this year off from publishing a book?  Because my new editor and I decided we’d like the extra time.
My editor that I had worked with for twenty years, give or take, retired.  Dead Ice was the last book that Susan and I worked on together.  I was very happy for her to be able to retire early to all the wonderful plans she and her husband had made.  I honestly didn’t think anything of it for my own writing process.  I mean, I’d had six or seven different editors with the Meredith (Merry) Gentry series in as many books at Random House, and I’d done all right.  One infamous Merry novel changed over three editors during the writing of it.  I didn’t think the fact that I’d had only two editors in over twenty years at Penguin Putnam with the Anita Blake series might have impacted my writing process; the consistency, I mean.  But it threw me more than I thought it would to lose an editor after that many years and that many books.  I am hopefully settled in with my new editor, Cindy, for another long run.
Crimson Death was our first novel together and it was a nightmare.  That wasn’t Cindy’s fault, at all.  It wasn’t anyone’s fault, except my over ambitious nature.  I should never, ever promise deadlines at the end of writing most novels, because at the end the muses are singing and writing usually spills forth like water from the proverbial cleft rock.  Since I’m usually doing ten to twenty pages a day at that point I think that’s what I always do.  I forget that at the beginning of a novel, sometimes I’m lucky to get four pages a day.  It takes time to build up steam for the end of a novel, and I always forget that.  Crimson Death was also the first Anita Blake novel set in a different country.  I set it in Ireland, I’d read all these books, and looked at pictures . . . I don’t know, I thought that being in a different country that spoke English wouldn’t be that big a difference to my writing process.  I was wrong.  I was really wrong.
And then just before we left for Ireland our pug, Sasquatch, passed away.  He was fourteen and we knew it was coming, but having to make that decision, holding him while he passed away in my arms – nothing prepares you for it.  It’s always upsetting to lose a beloved pet, but Crimson Death was the first novel I wrote without a pug at my side in about twenty years, maybe longer.  I know I had no pug when I wrote my first three novels, but other than that I’ve had at least one pug, or more, in the office with me.  I started out joking that I don’t write as well without one, even with my other wonderful dogs, but as I write forward on the third novel I’ve attempted since Sasquatch passed, it’s beginning to feel more plausible.
If I could do it over again, I’d have done another Anita novel set here in the States where I was more familiar with everything and I’d have done my research at leisure.  The trip to Ireland that suddenly became absolutely necessary was eye opening, exhilarating, and humbling.  Nothing I had read prepared me for the Emerald Isle.  I had researched the wrong questions.  I had to let go of my preconceptions and the book became a very different book than the one I’d planned.  Research, good research, will do that sometimes.  The other problem was that this was finally Damian’s book.  He’d been in the series since book six and this was book twenty-five.  I had hundreds of pages done when Damian got loud in my head and said, “This is what you do to me?  You make me a victim again?”  He wanted to be the hero, or at least strong and not the perpetual victim the first version showed him to be, and I couldn’t argue with him, though I tried.  

Ireland inspired me in a way that I didn’t anticipate.  I was doing twenty pages a day in Dublin.  I was hitting that end of book page count per day in the first third of the book.  I thought, great, this is one of those books that writes fast!  Um, no.  What had happened accidentally is my muse and I had found the place we wanted to write the book, but it would still take months to complete it.  I couldn’t stay in Ireland for months when I had planned on only staying for weeks.  My life wasn’t that flexible.  I had commitments in England both for my first ever European convention and for a research trip for a different novel.  We left Ireland after less than a month and the moment we got to London I couldn’t write.  I have no idea why, but I never write well in London and I’ve tried multiple times. The novel that had been going great guns in Ireland stopped dead once I left the country.  If I get to the twenty pages per day point with a novel, wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, that is how I write that book.  Change anything at that point from running out of the tea I’ve been drinking, the view, my chair, my desk, the computer I’m writing on or the software I’m using to write, my office pets, a lover having to travel – basically once the book is in the white, hot, heat phase, draw a circle of about fifty feet around me and everything within that circle has to remain the same or the book grinds to a halt.
I knew that about myself as a writer, but what I hadn’t anticipated was that a few days in Ireland would jump start the page count to that level of heat.  Then we left the country for very good reasons and for wonderful adventures, but the book didn’t recover its speed for months.  Then the other thing happened that couldn’t have been planned for, Crimson Death became the longest novel I’d ever written and I’ve written some long novels.  Up to that point, I believe that Obsidian Butterfly was my longest.  Interestingly it was set in a state that I’d never visited, New Mexico, so maybe its researching places I’ve never been that makes books super long for me?

The difference between the two books is that Obsidian Butterfly was pretty much the manuscript you got to read.  Crimson Death I cut by a third, before it went to New York for final edits.  I believe the rough draft was over 300,000 words which makes it well over a thousand pages.  I have never written a draft that long.  Again, maybe it’s the research, but whatever the cause, it meant that the first deadlines came and went, so we got new deadlines that could not be missed if the book was coming out on time. My first novel with my new editor became a series of emergencies.  I wrote more than one day round the clock, literally.  My husband, Jonathon, our girlfriend, Genevieve, and her husband Spike took turns bringing me endless cups of coffee, or just checking on me.  Anyone who thinks they want to marry a bestselling writer, or a famous artist of any kind, should see that artist through a serious creative work before they say, I do.  Artists, and I’m not any different, are moody bastards, and when the work isn’t going well it’s worse.  I’m usually a nice person, but when the writing is going badly I roar like a dragon at any interruption.  Genevieve and Spike hadn’t been living with us long, though we’d been dating them longer, so it was sort of a domestic trial by fire.  
By the time the book went to its final rounds in New York, my two newest domestic partners begged me to write something else next time.  They were full up listening to me talk about Anita and the gang.  None of us wanted to go through another book like that.  I think even my editor, Cindy, and all the wonderful people at Penguin Random House that helped make Crimson Death a reality were ready for a break.  Yes, my two main publishers for the Merry Gentry series and the Anita Blake series are now one publisher.  One of the largest mergers in publishing history.
I know that at the end of the process for that last novel I was drained.  I felt like a seashell washed up on the beach, empty like a pretty piece of bone, caressed by the sea.  So, in the end we all decided we needed more time for the next book to be written and edited.  We didn’t want to go balls to the wall again.  Cindy and I need time to understand each other as editor and writer.  I need to let myself mourn twenty years of editorial partnership. I need to let myself mourn the loss of Sasquatch, and think about whether with three dogs, a cat, and a lizard, we can really add a pug at this time.  I want to enjoy the first draft and not feel like every word has to be written in stone, because there isn’t time to revise without it becoming a publishing emergency.  I need time to spend with my family, friends, and to take care of my body, mind, and spirit.  My muse and I need to find our way back to a writing process that works smoothly.  So that’s why there will be no new novel from me this year.  See you in June 2018!


81 thoughts on “2017 GONE WRITING, BOOK 2018”

  1. I think you’re absolutely right to do this, though you don’t need my verification to take time to enjoy other aspects of your life. As we cannot write in the same world you do, we’ll just have to wait until your time is right. I wish you healing, the best of love, and the heart-warming air of joy in this year. And I wish it for your husband, daughter, and your partners. Blessed be.

  2. Bummed but can understand. Will look forward to 2018 then and just hope a novella comes out unexpectedly.

    Is Merry and her beaus going to travel back to the old country? I am missing her.

    Take care my favorite author, until I read from you again.

  3. on the one hand it makes me sad that there won’t be a new book from you this year – on the other hand (the much large side) I want you to have a life you’re happy with, because if you’re not in a good place (or your muse isn’t) then we’re not ever getting our fix. As fans we tend to forget (willfully perhaps?) that you are more than just a (fave) author you’re a human being first & foremost. Things happen, heck life happens, & if you aren’t having new experiences, growth, etc then how can we expect any of your characters to grow?
    all to say, keep on being you & when your next book comes – I’ll be right here waiting & will enjoy it whether it comes 2018, 2020 or whenever. blessed be.

  4. Take care of you. We will wait.
    As to being in a relationship with an artist, I’ve been involved with and/or married to several musicians, my daughter is a performer and musician and I have several friends who are as well (I sing but don’t perform-I appreciate.) For the good ones, the muse, for a performer add in the audience, always comes first, it’s just the way it is and what elevates the finished piece to excellence.

    1. You are a wonderful writer! I love all of your princess Meredith books and am eagerly awaiting the finished products of even your Anita Blake series! Take time to replenish your heart and soul! You will always know when the time is right! Take care of you and you alone because there is no one else on this earth that can better care of you than YOU! ❤

  5. Take whatever time you need hunny. We can all sit back and wait for the muse and you to catch your breath.

  6. Wow! What a beautiful way to say you need healing time! I’ve loved your books since I was 8! Reading was my passion and way of escaping the horrible life events that were happening. My mother had a couple of your first books and I picked one up and never looked back. I’ve been a fan even when I didn’t understand the total concept of what I was reading. I hope you and yours can adjust to the new world you’re having to live in. I hope you come out stronger and healthier for your new writing endeavors. ALWAYS, ALWAYS take care of you and your wonderful mind. You’re just so awesome. Thanks for being a part of my life when I so desperately needed the escape.

  7. Rest and recharge and enjoy your expanded family!! We will be here when you get back. ?

  8. i can’t wait for the wedding ceremony to take place between all the live-in loves of Anita Blake. Maybe by this time she will be more sure of herself and less in her head with all the hang ups that keep her from being truly happy. She has found the men in her life that can make things work. Don’t over think things, which is what submarines most relationships.

  9. My late mothers day gift is usually one of your novels but as an artist myself I understand being a moody bastard and needing time for your mind and muse to rest, readjust and find peace. Spoil yourself with friends and family and soak up that that precious time together. See you when yiu, and your muse, and all involved are ready. Rather that is 2018 or 2028, the fans, the ones who value you as a human being as well as an artist, will be here. Myself included.

    1. Definitely rest and recharge. Can’t wait for your next merry book. I’m starting the Anita series. <3

  10. I am and always will be grateful for any stories – long or short – that you create and share with all of us. Take your time and do what you need for you – it’s kind of like a caregiver needing to take care of him/herself in order to take care of his/her charges!!! Enjoy your time with your family – both human and furry – and we’ll be here when you’r ready to share your storytelling again.

  11. I am also a fan of GRRM – I’m used to waiting for much longer periods between books.
    You take care of you, we will still be here, eagerly awaiting the next adventure.

    1. Oh yes – as a GRRM fan you/we have to be VEEERY patient!! 😀
      I didn’t discover Laurell and Anita until a year ago, so I have read all the books rather intensely – what a loss, when there is suddenly no more books, after just have been gripping one after the other! :O
      But thankfully the world is full of lovely books, while Laurell’s muse is on a well deserved vacation 🙂

  12. You do you girl. I’m disappointed that I won’t get my ‘fix’ from you this year but I’ll get over it. It will give me time to re-read your other works because at this point it may take me a year with so many books. Have fun, relax and be safe!

  13. I’ve been reading your books since high school and have fallen in love with the worlds you create. Take your time. Your books are well worth any wait time <3

  14. I hope you enjoy the family time and to reconnect the love and passion with your muse. Masterpieces you create need time and as a fan I can wait (begrudgingly) until a new masterpiece is created. I love all your work and look forward to jumping back into your world at some point. In the meantime it gives me time to reread and enjoy all over again!!

  15. I have been reading your books for as long as you have been writing, and as a fan, I hope that you take the time you need to present us with a book you are happy with. Give yourself the time you need to make writing something you enjoy again, not a chore that has to be done by a certain time. Having just lost my furbaby this past week when we had to put her down, I totally understand how things are not the same without them by your side. Take the time to heal in all aspects of your life. Your fans will be here when you have the next one finished.
    Blessed be.

  16. I was blown away by your honest openness. Just wanted to say that I will be more than ready to read the next book when you’re ready to publish it, but that of course, writing is only part of your life, and you must still have a full life outside it! Not that you need my good wishes, but you have them anyway.

  17. Thanks for your lovely letter to all us fans. All of your books are so worth waiting to me. I still read all of your others as well to relive Anita’s adventures over again. Your books keep my panic attacks away, because my anxiety stays at bay, seriously. I love to read and listen to books being read to me. Thanks much LKH! You’ve more than earned a rest!

  18. Do what you need to! I am sure I can speak for some of us fans when I say..we will be here when you “get back”.

  19. I love your books, but not at the cost of your sanity or your family. Your books are always worth the wait. I take my hat off and bow to your enthusiasm. XX

  20. Wahoo a new book. Don’t care that its next year :).
    Take as long as you need, good things take time.

  21. You are wonderful and we can wait. We can always re-read both series while we wait. Take care of you!

  22. Take all the time you need, rushing a novel just to make us fans happy will only cause problems. I would rather have a GREAT novel than a fast one…You are my favorite author and I tell EVERYONE about you, Anita and Merry….so pls take care of yourself, your loved ones and grieve your losses….all that will help you and your muse, and Anita and Merry will be there when you recharge

  23. Loved all of your novels. Eagerly await them. Have a wonderful break you have certainly earned it. Hope you find peace and joy. Then you can come back to Anita or Merry refreshed. Also there is always room for a pug

  24. I can wait. My TBR list has about 400 books. I’ll keep busy. Take time to live your life.

  25. You have to take the time you need to mourn your losses. There is no time limit on mourning. You have pushed out books, like so many births, without stopping for such a very long time. Life will come back slowly, joy will return, love will heal and grow and eventually your shadowworld (and ours) will start talking to you again. Until then, rest, and let your eyes wander over this world and the pleasures hiding here. Be kind to yourself, and let the ones who love you be kind to you too.

  26. While this saddens me greatly, good for you! Your books are my favorite and I’ll wait for as long as it takes! But please let the next one be Merry. I have to know if he’s really gone!

  27. As an avid English fan of all your books – I wish you all the very best for a time of peace and mindfulness with family including those furry ones who give unconditional love! Very much look forward to seeing your next book, novella or even thoughts in the blog as and when you feel ready to share them. Best wishes

  28. You are so right. Take time. Grieve, heal and your fans will be here when youre ready.

  29. Take care of you and yours. We will all be eagerly awaiting for your return!

  30. I waited 15 years for Jean M Aual. Never abandon a great writer. Take care of you, take care of yours. See you on the other side.

  31. Take all the time you need, we can all relate to your needs to take a step back and breath for a little bit. Enjoy your time with your family and I’m sorry for your lost, mourn your sasquash and take care of yourself. We Will be here when you get back. Can’t wait for your next book see you in 2018.

  32. You don’t have to explain yourself to us dear. We’ll be right here waiting whenever you are ready.

  33. Take the time you need! After being with you, Merry & Anita for the last 15 years, I believe you know yourself best. If you feel like sharing, I’d read the rest of Crimson Death! I loved my trip to Ireland. You have me curious what got cut….

  34. Do what you need to do! : )
    It’s so important that you take care of you, so take your time. We’ll all be here…you’re worth waiting for. : )

  35. Much as I look forward to each new novel as it come out, I prefer to imagine a happy, content Laurell k. Breath , relax, and draw strength from your loved ones. Cheers

    1. So does that mean you’ll post deleted scenes from crimson death for us….just kidding (o.k. just wishing)
      but even so. You’re awesome. Take whatever time you need. I’ll just reread your anita and merry series when i start jones’n for you ( rrr your next book).

  36. Take care of you Laurell, I will miss you this year. However, I understand where you are coming from. I look forward to your next book in 2018.

    Thank you for all the great books you have given us.

  37. Get some, much deserved, rest. Taking care of yourself emotionally is just as important as taking care of yourself physically. Give yourself the time to process those big changes in your life, heaven knows you’ve more than earned it. When you are ready we will all be in line to see what amazing things you come out with next.

  38. So being a fan of yours for a very long time, I echo the folks that say take some time for you and yours. You have to take care of yourself and we understand this as your fans.

    On a personal note, I apologize this is so late. But I missed that Sasquatch had passed. I saw you poat his pics on twitter, but I didn’t know. So good energy for your loss there as well.

    Keep doing what you do, and your fans will be there. Oh and I still owe you a t-shirt ma’am.

    Tommy aka DQuartermane

  39. Ugh!!! As your reader, I’m bummed.
    As someone who is friends with other authors I’ve met (we really wish you would reconsider Barbara Vey’s Reader Appreciation Luncheon in Milwaukee every April ?) I want all of you happy, your Muse, your family life and furbabies.
    Heal, mourn, and come back to us.

  40. Good for you, lady. We’ll wait. I loved Crimson Death and really do wish it had been 1000 pages long, or longer. There was just so dang much story there, if felt like it could have been 4 books, or a whole new series branch off. Take care of you. Take care of yours. And we’ll see you when you get back.

  41. Please take whatever time you need to replenish your creative juices, refresh or body, and rejuvenate your soul. We’ll be here waiting to read the next AB or MG novel, or other works you may write.

  42. I’ve been reading your books for 20 years now, ever since i found them on my 2nd deployment. My favorite is Obsidian Butterfly, not a shock probably as it was outstanding. You should take the time you need to write what you want. I get the feeling at this point in your career you are writing more for yourself than to make a living.

    About your last book, I buy your stories for the combination of action, sexiness, and self-discovery. This is the first one I have felt the need to comment on. I found i was 300+ pages into it before there was any meaningful action at all. Going on that long about the benefits and pitfalls of polyamory got a little repetitious for me, even with the sex thrown in. It felt more like a bodice ripper than an Anita Blake novel. The pacing in Obsidian Butterfly was the perfect combo of action, sex, and introspection.

    I’ll say again though that you should write what you want, what needs to get out.

    Keep up the good work.

  43. Take the time to mourn and refresh your spirit!
    Buy another pug to love and spend time with those you love! We all will be here when you return!

  44. I haven’t read Crimson Death yet but look forward to doing so. Rest well and please know that we, the devoted fans of both series, will be here when you return. God bless and keep you and all that you love healthy and whole.

  45. Bummed there won’t be a new book, but I understand. I am sorry about the loss of Sasquatch. I know what it is like to lose a beloved pet. Hope the new book will be a Merry Gentry. I will enjoy either. Love your books.

  46. Laurell, I think you are being a bit A bit hard on YOURSELF, I thought Crimson Death, was very good. I am one of your biggest fans. I TRULY understand and bielve in your need to take sometime to relax and find your center. But, please know all your TRUE fans are with you and support you. Biggest hug and look forward to another great adventure.

  47. I loved Crimson Death. There was so much love there. Maybe that’s what happened. You wrote about such a powerful emotion, for so long, that you need time to decompress.
    I will wait for you for 2018.

  48. I so enjoyed your post it is nice to hear about how you write. I am glad to hear a “Anita Book’ is coming even if it is next year. I am currently doing a Re-read and this time I started with “Guilty
    Pleasures….I so enjoyed it I love remembering how they started to find each other. I have been a fan since the beginning and my love for Jean Claude is amazing. I can not imagine my life without him and I hope the Wedding is soon…I so want to see him pull out all the stops and have an amazing wedding
    I usually only go back a book or two before a new one comes out. Once in awhile I need a JC fix so I go back to about ”Incubus Dreams” or “Danse Macabre”…I start there because I am one of your Fan/readers who uses Audiobooks I have them all in Paper also.
    I have to ask a question because of the new publisher maybe you can find someone to ask this question…..Will there ever be an unabridged version of Narcissus in Chains in Audiobook form. I did not remember how much was actually missing until I just listened to it and had my HB with me to read as I went along. When I finished I found my notes that tell me the chapters that are missing and the partially missing…..PLEASE contact someone you may know with any clout at your new publisher to try to do this. It is a real hole in my collection and I know I am not the only one.
    I am sorry to write in this form but I am hoping it will be seen and something can finally happen. I will continue to write to the new publisher and hope they listen better than Penguin did..
    Thank You for any consideration & Love Anita’s world

  49. Please take the much needed time to mourn, rest, relax and get comfortable with your partners and new editor. I really did not like seeing the stressful delay notices posted about Crimson Death, so if I have to wait until next year, fine by me. Your two series are too important in my life to be rushed. Peace and love to you and yours.

  50. Thamk you for your explanation, though it was not needed. You are as human as we all are, though talented in writing that we so envy and appreciate. Other authors do not gift us with with their thoughts or hardships. Before the internet, we waited patiently for the author and publishing house to write, edit and release the book, release dates were after the writing was finished and the editing done. Now, everything is hurry, hurry and hurry. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in letting your fans/readers know that you are thinking of us. I look forward to your writings when you choose to release them. thank you

  51. Holy Hell Hannah!!!! By the end of your explanation I was speed reading, and I had forgotten to breathe. I always look forward to grabbing your latest book as soon as it is out, so I just won”t hold my breath this time waiting for it lol. Maybe I will finally make it through my TBR tower after I finish reading ARCs and doing reviews lol. Unplug the phones, turn off the cell phones, and enjoy life. Have Fun!!!!

  52. I understand that you need to take some time off. A person’s brain can literally give you a major writers block, losing a loved pet leaves an empty space in your life & it takes time getting use to a new publisher. A year will fly by fast and we can be patient. A great writer needs rest too. We will all look forward to a new book with Anita and not to mention Jean-Claude with whom most of us fans fell in love with the series. You take care of yourself, enjoy your family, relax your little grey cells & I hope you add another puppy to your family.

  53. Take your time. Come back when you’re ready. Then you can fix the Merry Gentry problem. Killing off Sholto was tantamount to killing off Doyle or Frost. Mistakes were made, but I have faith in you. I know you can wave that magic wand and bring him back.

  54. I am just happy to hear that you are taking time to take care of you. I am glad that you have such wonderful and caring partners in your life. The words will happen when they are meant to, and us, your readers, will be happier knowing you are happy, healthy, functional, and above all healing from so much change. All the best! Blessed be!


  55. You taking a good long break is awesome. You definitely need to take care of yourself… if we’re to have years and years more of wonderful books from you! 😉 Enjoy your rest and relaxation. I look forward to your next work of art!

    Sorry for the loss of your precious pug. We lost one of our dear cats last year and then another one this year. Very painful. But they are in a beautiful place. One day we’ll all be reunited with are beloved furry family members. ♥ ♥ ♥

  56. I don’t know about anyone else but i’m willing to wait as long as it takes to get a new book out. You need to take care of you before you take care of us. I’ll be here patiently waiting.

  57. Proud of you! We love your books and your worlds, and YOU are the key to them. Taking care of yourself, your life and your spirit are of paramount importance to your readers’ happiness. I know writing is a job, I understand why publishers want to set deadlines, and I am sure for the most part deadlines are an important motivation factor for writers. But I have also lamented on many occasions where a book was either rushed or a favorite writer just lost her muse/heart/ spirit because of feeling pushed. I will wait indefinitely for your next creative work, and I will take solace in the interim knowing you are taking care of you!

  58. You taking a good long break is awesome. You definitely need to take care of yourself… if we’re to have years and years more of wonderful books from you! 😉 Enjoy your rest and relaxation. I look forward to your next work of art!

    Sorry for the loss of your precious pug. We lost one of our dear cats last year and then another one this year. Very painful. But they are in a beautiful place. One day we’ll all be reunited with are beloved furry family members. <3 <3 <3

  59. My thoughts are that you are right and true to yourself. You are a true artist. What a blessing you are. I just have to be patient for your next book. I am learning how to be. I am so sorry for your lost and also you haven’t got to mourn for them. I am very happy for y’all taking a breather and enjoying life, family, and love too. I willl enjoy your next book when comes out. Sending sweet Blessing and Safe Travels to you and yours. Blessed Be

  60. Hope you rest up and feel refreshed and ready to give as more of your wonderful books that we can get lost in! I have enjoyed all so far of your two series that I collect! !! ? Thank you for your wonderful story’s! !! And sorry about your pet,it’s sad ,and only think another pet lover can understand the loss you feel,as I to have lost a sweet companion. But I will not go on ,but to say, thank you again for the joy you have given me thru your books. Take care!

  61. Take all the time you need. I’ve read everything you’ve written at least once [Obsidian Butterfly three times], so I’m in no rush. I can just read one of the earlier books again. I do have one request: Can we please have more action action and less bedroom action, the next time you take on Anita’s tale? Not that I’m adverse to emotional drama, but lately it’s gotten to where I feel like I’m wading through hip-deep rose petals in between the plot points.

  62. Sending you my love and support during this difficult time. There is always times in life where change and uncertainty are present. We all must find a way through, rise stronger and be an even bigger kick-ass then we were before. I have every faith you will prevail. No need to apologize to anyone for time away. We all love you and your extended family. We will be here when you get back.

  63. Eres una escritora brillante, con toneladas de talento y además eres un ser generoso que nos permite participar de su vida, de sus cambios, de lo bueno y malo haciendonos sentir parte de ella. Descubrí a Anita y me convertí en tu fan, de esos fans que pueden leer varias veces tus libros y escuchar los audiolibros o comprar las novelas gráficas por lo que espero impaciente el siguiente libro.
    Gracias por darme muchas horas gratas.

  64. I love and appreciate your honesty. I admire that you know what you want/need and are moving towards it! Success doesn’t mean much if you can’t rest, rejuvenate and enjoy/create some space and adventures that belong just to you.
    I am sorry for the loss of your beloved Sasquatch and in my humble opinion, if the space next to you feels more like a void, then there is always room for another pug.

  65. I am worried I will not live long enough to find out what happened to Merry and her baby. Same to be said about Anita Blake. I know you have to take care of your business, personal and the writing of books. I just want to live long enough to see what happens next.

  66. I wish you the best, take the time to refresh yourself and go through all the processes. All your fans love you! I myself look forward to all of your books whether it be Anita or Merry 🙂

  67. glad to hear your taking a well deserved break can’t wait for your return and all the best wishes for you and yours and my heart breaks for Sasquatch.

  68. I am not saying we won’t miss reading a new book from you this year but take your time and recharge. we love your books but you have had alot going on and need a break. travel see new places and take your time to write what you want when you want, we all just want to read your new book and don’t care which series it is or if you start a new series. let yourself get inspired thats when you write best

  69. No matter the profession, if you don’t take care of mind and body, most of the time the work will suffer. For some artists, like musicians and painters, the negative can actually enhance the creative process.

    You’ve been through a lot of changes in a short time. The switch in editors, by itself, is a huge change with a learning curve that will probably take you several books to really feel “at home” again.

    The best thing, I would think, about being a successful author with a devoted following? It’s that your devoted followers will be there waiting when you are ready. Of course you’ll hear some grumbling! Just remember that it’s because you are so damned good at what you do that we’ll actually “miss” these people who exist only in your mind and on the pages you’ve created for us.

    So, take some time and grieve and heal. We’ll be here waiting, and re-reading. Take care and be well.

    Lori ✋??

  70. Thank you for this. I would have been wondering and impatient. I’ve recently read a few other authors and like always I compare them to my favorite, which is you. The thing that gets me with other authors is that a series will be awesome and then it’s just over. They make it seem like the awesome series is still open but it’s years later and no word if there will be another book. It’s like sex with no climax. Gets very annoying. Thank you for updating your fans. Now I can mentally prepare. I love your work!

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