SKIN TRADE and tour

Jun 02, 2009

SKIN TRADE is officially on the shelves. Glad that everyone is finally able to read it. Sometimes there is so much time between the writing of a book and the publishing date that it seems distant from me, and old news, but not this one. This book was a hard write, and the last few weeks of it’s conception was some of the hardest nights I’d had as a working writer. That makes SKIN TRADE very fresh in my mind. So happy reading everyone. We’re packing for the plane tomorrow. For the first time in a long time I’m actually nervous about getting on the plane. Damn phobia.

Chicago on Wedsnday. Vegas on Friday. We’ll see everyone there.

In the interest of going to bed early-ish, I’ll leave it at that night. I’ll try to blog tomorrow before we get on the plane, but I won’t promise it depends on how much of a handle I get on this very familiar nervousness. I really thought I was over this particular phobia. I’ve traveled all over and been fine. Maybe I’m not phobic of airplanes at all. Maybe I’m phobic of tour. Is there a word for that? Touraphobia?