The Last Sex Question on the Blog

Mar 02, 2009

Okay let’s try this one more time. One of the reasons I don’t like answering the sex questions is no matter how I answer it, I’m always in some way misunderstood. If I answer in vagaries then fans think I’m hiding things and make up even wilder "truths" about what I’m not saying. If I answer in more detail as I did in the last blog, then you guys say I’m giving too much information, and you fill in what I’ve said with even more detail than I’ve actually said. So, since I cannot win this kind of question, no matter how I answer it, I think this will be the last attempt at it. I have never, ever said that the sex that Anita and Merry are having is my sex life. That is a jump of logic that fans and readers make. Jonathon and I have learned to live with it, because nothing I say, or do, seems to dissuade people from the thought. Just as every person has their own speech pattern, way of moving, personality quirks, so everyone should have their sexual style be slightly different. If I wasn’t tied to first person narrative with the same two women in both series, then the sex scenes would be more varied, even than they are, but only the men change, and thus, with the same woman, only so many things will change. But Anita and I are not identical in our personalities so the sex will not be identical.  The same goes for Merry and myself; we are very different women. Having said that, yes, there are certain similarities, because in the end you use some of your own experiences as a jumping off point. But, it is a jumping off point not a point by point, play by play, identical scene. I think the scenes that have been as close as you all seem to want the scenes to be are perhaps two scenes spread out over twenty-three books; for the rest there are bits and pieces, but I DO NOT put my own personal sex life on display in the books. Perhaps this persistent thought among the fans is why I cannot persuade a certain part of you that I don’t have a bevy of male sex slaves in the house somewhere. I mean if you insist on believing that I do EVERYTHING in the books exactly as written, then logic would dictate that I must have extra men lying about. Jonathon is my research assistant for the sex, because he is my partner in every way, so logic dictates that, but please, please let go of the idea that I put our actual sex life on display for public consumption. I write about fictional characters having sex, not myself and my husband. The sad thing is that no matter how many times I write this disclaimer, no matter what I say to the contrary, some will read this and come away with the exact opposite of what I’ve written. Since there is nothing I can do about it, I must, in the end, throw my hands up and just let you all think what you will, but I think this is the last time I will try to answer sex questions on the blog. It just doesn’t pay to try and set the record straight, because too many people want it as crooked as it can get. Sigh.